The best way to do things, generating a positive impact on our surroundings.
The best way to do things, generating a positive impact on our surroundings.
Sustainability and CSR
Facts speak louder than words. At The Juste Group, our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility is based on 4 fundamental pillars which are solid and form part of company strategy:
▪With a total remuneration model that includes elements to ensure wellbeing and personal and professional satisfaction.
▪ With equality in diversity, equal opportunities and treatment.
▪ With constant communication policies, offering orientation and alignment.
▪With a culture for guiding people, who are the priority and center of our management practices. Our conduct is ruled by our values Values govern our behavior.

▪ Acting responsibly in our environmental management.
▪ We develop green chemical processes that care for our surroundings.
▪ We optimize our use of raw materials to guarantee sustainability.
▪ We monitor and minimize the waste we generate.

▪ Our objectives are aimed at education and childhood, because they represent the future, to create a better world.
▪ To health, because it is the reason for our existence.
▪ Towards enterprise and equality, playing our part by creating quality jobs and a fairer society

The Juste Group follows the “Code of good practices of the pharmaceutical industry”
The Board of Administration of The Juste Group has also approved its own Code of Ethics that establishes the basic principles that govern the behavior and the ethical standards that everyone in the organization must abide by. Our goal is to carry out our professional activities in full compliance with the principles of legality, integrity and transparency, in accordance with the traditional values of our company.
The Code of good practices of the pharmaceutical industry and our Code of Ethics are documents that supplement each other, so everyone working in The Juste Group is aware of them and adheres to them.

Every product bears our stamp, a sustainable way of doing things.
Compliance is a discipline that sets up procedures, policies and mechanisms to guarantee that companies adhere to the law, accepting our responsibility in all areas: criminal, employment, trade, environment… and, besides, they ensure the sustainability of the business through ethical behavior.
In our case, our full commitment is to reinforce this culture of compliance, to ensure that the JUSTE Group achieves excellence by acting preventively.
This is why we arrange training, awareness sessions, audits, knowledge pills, leaflets and videos. We also rely on the contribution of additional specialized external advice.
Every product bears our stamp, a sustainable way of doing things.

Ethics channel
Ethics channel

Because doing things right guarantees our continuity, we are bound to comply with all laws.
Because doing things right guarantees our continuity, we are bound to comply with all laws.
Security, Health & Environment
Our integrated system enables us to guarantee quality through synchronized processes to ensure and improve the safety, health and environmental protection of our products through strict compliance with all regulations.
What is more, we audit and certify our systems with a constant focus on continuous improvement and customer satisfaction.
Download sustainability report, environmental performance, and health and safety commitments.
At present, we have the following certifications:

UNE-EN ISO 45001:2023 - Health and Safety system certification (since 2010, formerly OSHAS).
This certification demonstrates our desire for continuous improvement in risk management for the SST, becoming more effective and efficient, reducing accidents and sickness and raising operational effectiveness.

UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015 - Environmental system certification (since 2004).
This standard demonstrates our commitment and responsibility to protect the environment through the management of environmental risks arising from our business activities.

Integrated Environmental authorization n.º 4.005 (Since 2008).
This standard demonstrates our commitment and responsibility to protect the environment through the management of environmental risks arising from our business activities.